lundi 30 septembre 2013

First One

The first article on this blog will be about me, so you all get to know me better. My name is Sara, I live in Belgium and I am 19 years old. I have two big passions in life.
The first one is fashion. I'm litteraly a real shopaholic, always trying to keep up with the latest fashion news in our world. I'll try to post an article once a week about anything related to fashion. It could be an "Outfit-of-the-day" post, some clothing tips I found, trends, ...
My other passion is travelling. I don't travel that much, but when I do, I do it big!
 For example, my California dream came true last July. Those were the best three weeks of my life. Like I said, I love travel, but not only to enjoy the beach and a sunny wheather. What I think it's interesting about travelling is the opportunity to discover new things, new cultures and meet new people who you tought you would never meet in your life.
You'll find here not only articles about fashion and travel, but also about beauty, food and other trends, so don't miss them.

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